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Have you seen my latest on bump free hair removal? Here are the products: Hibiscus Sugar Scrub • Multi Use Oil • The Shave Set

My Daily Skincare Routine

I'm a minimalist skincare girly. I like simple routines that I can stick to everyday that are gentle with my skin & give me results I can see.

Honey Rose Beauty BAr

This is the only cleanser I use on my face, body, & vulva. It doesn't dry my skin out & it keeps my skin clear. Super easy to travel with.

📹 Watch the Honey Rose Beauty Bar

Multi Use Beauty Oil

I use the Multi Use Rose Beauty Oil on my face & body daily • I use the Multi Use Skin Clearing Oil as part of my nightime routine, layering it on over everything.

My skin doesn't do acne products well - they either don't work or leave my skin red & irritated. So, I made an acne product for my face & body that is effective without irritating my skin - I spray it on daily after showering.

Fresh Whipped Body Cream

Whipped body cream is my all over moisturizer for glowing skin all day.

📹 Fresh Whipped Body Creaml

After Moon Bomb AF Bath

My favorite Bomb AF Bath soak is After Moon. I have the best skin when I bathe in After Moon 3x a week. And, of course, I always cleanse with After Moon post period.

Shop After Moon

My Weekly Mask Routine

Depending on what is going on with my skin, I use a different mask. All of these masks can be used on face and body (no internal use or sensitive parts).


Green Clay Detox Mask

I use this mask when my skin feels or looks congested. Great for summertime and clearing bumps caused by slathering on a ton of spf.

Papaya Exfoliating Mask

This mask is what I use when my skin is in an active breakout or irritated. This is a gentle mask that uses a chemical found in papayas to gently slough off the top layer of skin.

Rose Clay Mask

I like this mask for hormonal acne before my period - face, chest, shoulders, and back.


I'm Always here to help!

If you ever have product questions you can always reach out to me | Insta | TikTok

xo. jazmine